ADA history
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is comprehensive disability rights legislation. It was updated in 2010 to include web and electronic communications, and the standards continue to evolve. With a growing percentage of the world’s population visually impaired, including an aging investor base with age-related vision and dexterity issues, content accessibility has become more important than ever.
Why accessibility is important
The trends are clear. As our population ages, instances of blindness, diabetes and macular degeneration are increasing. The evolution from print to web and digital communications continues as well, supported by recent SEC regulations. Clearly, there is a need to provide digital access to individuals who are sight impaired so they can interact with information online. However, Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN) recognizes that accessibility goes beyond doing what’s right and regulatory compliant. By ensuring accessibility for their websites, DFIN can facilitate increased market share for investment companies by including investors that previously were unable to navigate, consume content and conduct transactions on the website.
The DFIN solution
A complete ADA program needs to focus on both PDF tagging and website navigation, plus be able to address reasonable accommodations. Our comprehensive ADA tagging service ensures your web hosting is compliant and PDFs have “read out loud” screen reader–enabled capabilities.
Fully compliant in 30 days
We can have your organization fully compliant in as little as one month. As part of the project start-up, DFIN will tag a representative sample of documents and provide the final, tagged PDFs and Accessibility Report. These documents will serve as your sign-off. During this initial review and assessment, DFIN will present any areas that may require your feedback or action to resolve.